Me, me, me, me, me

A running joke in my social circle is that I’m going to write a book titled, “People suck”…the reality is that it’s not funny. It’s true. Before I go further let me say that I include myself in this indictment and the subtitle would be “AND…we’re all people”.

I have to admit that I’ve struggled and tried really hard to keep my priorities in the right order (Deut 6:5…more to come in a future article)…and I constantly have to calibrate back around what the order should be.

We as people have a bent to make ourselves first but where should we fall on the list? More importantly, Who should be number one? Where do the other people/priorities fall and why?

Cutting to the chase – God should be first, if married our spouses second, then family & friends, then anyone else breathing on the planet…, then very last – you. Can you imagine a planet where all people put others before themselves?! It would look radically different. (Keeping in mind that I in no way am implying that through action alone one rights themself with God.)

If we genuinely care for a lost world we’ll put them before ourselves. Not begrudgingly, but because we have our hearts in synch with God and will see them and their plight more important than us. And if you love them you will have a burning desire to see them come into a saving relationship with the same God Who saved you and me.  You will present the gospel (repent and believe) in word and deed because of your sincere love for them.

The fundamentals are still fundamental…the call on us as Christians is to die to self (Gal 2:20). The call is also on us is to be light in the darkness (Eph 5:8). When we can’t keep our priorities straight then our lights will dim. Notice I’m not saying they’re extinguished – but who wants to be a matchstick when you can shine like the Son.

GBU – Philippians 2:3

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