seeing THE big picture


I am not a writer…at all. The following will likely come out/off like a rant…I’ll apologize at the outset.

There are so many things that have been swirling in my mind that I haven’t been able to zero in on any one area – so at the risk of just staying stuck in this “writers-paralysis” I will attempt to just get some things out there.

Two recurring themes/phrases keep plaguing my thinking:

  1. To what end?
  2. Big-picture perspective

Those may in fact be the same thing…

Everywhere I turn I am consumed with analyzing things and trying to drill down to those thoughts.

In my work life I am blessed to work for an organization that ultimately has a commitment to “saving lives”…on the surface that seems pretty noble – and it is. But I can’t shake asking the question, “To what end?” We are in fact committed to saving lives…but that stops at the physical life. So, in the big-picture perspective of eternity what good was that if we didn’t save their spiritual lives…? (Mark 8:36) After all, what’s more important – the physical or spiritual? (Matt. 10:28) If you’re a Christian then hopefully you’d agree the spiritual is more important.

Medical professionals are amazing people – I genuinely believe that GOD gifts very special people with the ability to care for the physical maladies that we all have to deal with as we go through a constant process of breaking down and falling apart. My family has had quite a bit of experience with hospitals in recent years and I am very grateful to the many men and women that have been used to “save” my parents’ lives…and not to sound like a jerk – but…to what end? Those doctors and nurses can only delay the inevitable…the death of the physical.

I was very blessed early in my career to work with many humanitarian organizations…organized groups of people that were committed to meeting the physical needs of the most impoverished men, women and children on the planet. Again, that is a very special thing to do…but – to what end? If we only ever focus on the physical life then we are going to see giant numbers of well educated, nourished, and inoculated people stepping off into hell.

“And?”…you’re asking. Am I seriously saying that there isn’t a value in being a first responder, highway safety professional, doctor/nurse, volunteer…nope, that’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is that we (the Church) better not be confusing those acts of kindness with an actual presentation of The Gospel. They’re not.

Every follower/disciple of Jesus Christ has a responsibility to maintain the big-picture perspective that we live because of Him and His call on us to carry the message of The Gospel and proclaim it.

Repent and believe. (Mark 1:15)

Complicated, I know.

How dare I tell someone that they need to acknowledge the sin in their life and turn from it. (Psalm 32:5)

How dare I simplify a connection to the Creator of the universe by proclaiming that I put my trust and faith in what He has done for me through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son. (Eph. 2:8)

If we truly understand GOD’s great love for us…how dare we not.

GBU – 1Tim. 1:15

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