Raspberried for Jesus


So, I recently returned home from having been on a business trip and my oldest greets me with the news that she had had an exchange with someone regarding her faith. “It went okay but it’ll go better the next time…good night.”

Next day on the drive into school I ask her to give me the skinny on what had happened…

My daughter explained that she was having lunch with a couple of friends, one of them remarked that by weeks end she’s usually super spent and just doesn’t have the energy for something like church. Her other friend said that he thought ‘religion’ was stupid.

Her response was filled with grace and courage… “Well, I don’t think my faith is stupid. In fact I wouldn’t be where I am today were it not for GOD and His Word.”


The boy then rebutted with… “Thhhrrrrrpppppttttt!”

He gave her the raspberry.

She then said, “If you decide you want to learn about Christianity let me know.”

I was busting with pride.

Jesus warned us that we would face opposition for His sake (Matt. 10:22). I also reinforced the fact that we’re responsible for doing what she had done but we are not responsible for what people will do with the message (2Tim. 4:2; 1Pet. 3:15).

I got nothing to add…just praising The LORD for what He has done in my beautiful children.

GBU – Philippians 2:14-18

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